Verse of the day
Kasih itu penyabar dan penyayang. Kasih tidak iri hati, tidak membanggakan diri, dan tidak angkuh.
- 1 Korintus 13:4
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What leaders say about the AVB
A good number of church leaders have commended the AVB
I would like to express my deepest appreciation and gratitude to the translators and publishers of the Alkitab Versi Borneo (AVB) for their generosity and devotion in blessing the Malay-speaking Christian community in Sabah and Sarawak. In a region where many church services are conducted in Malay, the AVB is a wonderful resource for pastors, church leaders, and congregations alike. It is truly a gift that meets the spiritual needs of a growing number of Christians who now ha... See more >

Rev Datuk Jerry W. A. Dusing
President of SIB Sabah, Past President of Sabah Council of Churches
In April 2016, I ordered and introduced the whole available stock of 13,000 copies of AVB BM Bibles to all churches in Sarawak. The Lord put a burden in my heart: During the pandemic years, with a team in Kuching, we compiled a 3-year cycle of readings from the AVB, covering all the books of the Bible. Today AVB Word is proclaimed every Sunday in Catholic Churches throughout Malaysia during BM Mass services. The seed is the Word of God (Luke 8:11). And will continue to bear f... See more >

Catholic Archbishop Dr. Simon Poh
Archdiocese of Kuching, Sarawak
As a Bishop of the church and having 129 Bahasa Malaysia-speaking congregations, I have witnessed a growing adoption of the AVB, especially among our younger generation of believers. The AVB's language closely mirrors the everyday language spoken in our schools and communities, making it accessible and relatable. Since its publication, I have personally used the AVB as my primary Bahasa Malaysia Bible, finding that it clearly conveys the message of the Scriptures in a way th... See more >

Bishop Rev. Dr. James Wong
The Basel Christian Church of Malaysia (BCCM) Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
“I have been telling folks that while many translations speak to the mind, the AVB speaks to the heart.” The AVB Bible has truly become a cornerstone of our Christian community. Recently, when I offered a copy to several pastors, I was delighted to learn that each of them already owned one. That response warmed my heart and underscored the deep impact this version has had. It’s remarkable how quickly the AVB has resonated with so many, seamlessly integrating into diverse co... See more >

Bishop Dr T Jeyakumar
Bishop of the Methodist Church in Malaysia